Traditional vs Digital: The Marketing Race

Digital vs one better than the other? Or are there advantages to both that will allow them to always co-exist? Lets take a closer look.

There always changing

Its important to note that both are always evolving and advertising is constantly changing. The way we advertise to consumers changes every decade accordingly to the new technologies. Technology influences how the masses consume advertising. There was a time where people just expected a simple ad on radio or in the newspaper, now 84% of people expect brands to create content, with visual being of the most important.  The feedback loop is malleable, it changes and so does advertising methods. 

Just because a marketing or advertising method is the meta now, it doesn't mean it still will be in a few years from now. 

One of the benefits of capitalism is that it will never let innovation die. Social media is too good of an example to miss, it changed how we live our lives, consume and interact with news. 

Advertising follows the wave and when 45% of the worlds population is on social media  you can expect brands to perhaps put more of their eggs in the digital basket. 

Traditional marketing will still have its cake

It would be ignorant to neglect the fact that marketing to a population over the age of 65 still requires the use of traditional methods. Social media use decreases from the current generation. Whilst 90.4% millennials use social media, it is quite substantial in comparison to baby boomers who sit at 48.2%. Different generational segments simply equates to a difference in how you market. 

You want to reach a mature audience? Your probably more inclined to use traditional methods with newspapers, TV and so on. Traditional methods perhaps have the benefit of targeting groups of people with more purchasing power. 

Older and mature audiences who consumer traditional methods have more ability to spend over younger audiences who predominately consumer digital channels. 

Traditional marketing campaigns can appeal to a different group of people and therefore produce results you may not get exclusively using digital methods. 

So what's better?

Well, like most depends. The devil is in the details. Do you want to target an older mature audience? then traditional methods are probably ideal. Digital methods will target younger audiences more sufficiently. 

It also depends on your strategy. You may want to minimize costs and therefore use only a selection of methods from either traditional or digital channels. 

Perhaps as society progresses we may see more dominance for digital methods and declining use for traditional. Again though and at this current time. It depends on who your audience is and the market itself. 

But for now, we need both. Simply put the market is diversified with so many different niches that its hard to just prioritise one method over the other.

What do you think? Will digital overhaul traditional one day or is it here to stay?  


  1. They are both here to stay for a long time. We are visual creatures and both can be very visual. But I definitely believe digital is growing more exponentially than traditional because of technology.

    1. That's true we are, and there's no denying the implications of technology over time as its got better.

  2. No doubt digital is becoming more prominent with the rise of social media. But with that said traditional is the conservative approach that always works. Digital marketing can also become very saturated aswell. Good blog man.
    - Mark. D

    1. Yeah I agree with the saturation, especially on social media, its pretty annoying on facebook with all these pyramid schemes. And yeah traditional is a safe route to take. Thanks.

  3. Great blog. Statistics show digital has started to overlap traditional but both are necessary. You cant jump the ship as both have their respective pros and cons.

    1. Thanks, yeah they both have their pros and cons no doubt. But its interesting to see how far digital has come and to see if it totally knocks off traditional in the future.

  4. Hey Jordan,
    Very interesting read, I still feel that traditional media has some sort of dominance still in our society due to he fact that I feel people believe it is more trustworthy than the new age of social media and instantaneous news. Traditional media has been a source that most people have relied upon since news was first a thing. However, I believe that the new age of media will supersede traditional media in the coming years. Do you agree with me? does traditional media still have the upper hand on most people's news sources?

    1. Yeah I agree. The data also agrees. With that said traditional and physical still has its cherries with some consumers. Newspapers is just one example and I don't see us scrapping them anytime soon.


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