Traditional vs Digital: The Marketing Race
Digital vs one better than the other? Or are there advantages to both that will allow them to always co-exist? Lets take a closer look. There always changing Its important to note that both are always evolving and advertising is constantly changing. The way we advertise to consumers changes every decade accordingly to the new technologies. Technology influences how the masses consume advertising. There was a time where people just expected a simple ad on radio or in the newspaper, now 84% of people expect brands to create content, with visual being of the most important. The feedback loop is malleable, it changes and so does advertising methods. Just because a marketing or advertising method is the meta now, it doesn't mean it still will be in a few years from now. One of the benefits of capitalism is that it will never let innovation die. Social media is too good of an example to miss, it changed how we live our lives, consume and interact with ...