
Showing posts from September, 2020

Traditional vs Digital: The Marketing Race

Digital vs one better than the other? Or are there advantages to both that will allow them to always co-exist? Lets take a closer look. There always changing Its important to note that both are always evolving and advertising is constantly changing. The way we advertise to consumers changes every decade accordingly to the new technologies. Technology influences how the masses consume advertising. There was a time where people just expected a simple ad on radio or in the newspaper, now 84% of people expect brands to create content, with visual being of the most important.   The feedback loop is malleable, it changes and so does advertising methods.  Just because a marketing or advertising method is the meta now, it doesn't mean it still will be in a few years from now.  One of the benefits of capitalism is that it will never let innovation die. Social media is too good of an example to miss, it changed how we live our lives, consume and interact with ...

How to run your own Google Ads without spending money on a PPC agency. (LAUNCH YOUR FIRST CAMPAIGN!)

A quick disclaimer, investing money into a performance based PPC (Pay-per click) agency is not a bad investment and will indeed help you and your business. But maybe your budget is small and you would rather build your own PPC campaign.  Lets find out how to do so.  What you need Firstly, the good thing about starting your own agency is that you don't actually need much at all. Its a very simple process since we have the internet nowadays with automation.   Before we get started you need to make sure you have a legitimate business name and register your business under your state. Its different depending on where you live and how the tax works. Generally speaking you should be able to register your business under a government body website, like this one for Victoria, Australia.    Alright, we also need a computer to run Google ads. A secondary monitor is also a great asset to utilize to utilize to improve your efficiency, though its not entirely necessary bu...

What are the dangers of IoT and what does the future hold?

The Internet of Things (IoT) can boost everyday living with increased efficiency, but it also comes with risks. Can this double edge sword be protected against or are businesses just too vulnerable? What is IoT and does it need security?  The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technological system that refers to the network of physical objectives or "things" that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for exchanging data with other devices over the internet.  It allows us to share and connect data with human to human connection.  alright, so why does it need security? Well the issue is because its connected to the internet it is susceptible to cyber breach or hacking. This is more severe for businesses who's processes rely on IoT devices. Businesses will usually end having more endpoints and therefore more attack surfaces or exploit vulnerabilities.  An 'endpoint' is a remote device that communicates with a network to which it is connected with li...